Walden Surfboards makes a full range of boards in a variety of materials. For example our Original Magic Model is available in Polyurethane, Epoxy and EPS so we wanted to explain each material. 

Epoxy / Molded Epoxy/ X2 Epoxy : A type of plastic resin used by some manufacturers as a substitute for polyester resin.  Epoxy is known for its durability. X-2 Epoxy is a multi-layered sandwich construction using epoxy resin, woven fiberglass and sheets of thin wood veneer wrapped around a Nanoweld EPS core. This construction method produces a light, extremely durable surfboard that's particularly strong on the deck. The durability and strength of X-2 Epoxy boards make them ideal for SUP's, surfers who like to travel, and heavy beach break conditions where other boards are prone to breaking. X-2 Epoxy boards feel solid under your feet and can take an absolute beating while maintaining their appearance for many years.

EPS Expanded Polystyrene: A type of foam also known as styrofoam or bead foam. Polystyrene beads are expanded to their desired density by using steam and a variable quantity of beads in a mold. EPS surfboards are made from an expanded polystyrene foam core that is heavier and stronger than its molded counterpart. After it is hand shaped like a  P/U blank, it is fiberglassed by hand again like a  polyester glassed surfboard. Remember hand shaped EPS/Epoxy boards are not molded epoxy boards, which is what people typically mean when they say "epoxy". EPS boards are lighter than a polyurethane construction and a bit more rigid.

Polyurethane (or PU): A type of plastic foam—the most common type used in surfboard manufacturing, usually employed together with polyester resin. Polyester or PU construction uses traditional materials and laminating techniques to produce a strong, reliable surfboard with high quality finishes.  Polyester construction will perform in all surf conditions and can be adapted to suit a wide variety of surfboard models.

FutureFlex: FutureFlex represents the very latest in surfboard technology and design. The construction process combines a stringerless, high-density custom shaped EPS core laminated with biaxial fiberglass, epoxy resin and a parabolic carbon fiber frame.
The carbon fiber frame within the laminate is the key to the performance of these boards. Designed to maximize speed and drive while minimizing twisting, FutureFlex boards essentially store and release energy as the surfer transitions through a turn. The result is a fast and lively, highly responsive surfboard that's perfectly geared for high performance surfing.

SLX Epoxy: SLX
construction produces a controlled flex pattern by combining the versatility of epoxy materials with the added advantage of reduced weight. All SLX boards have an EPS core with a high-grade timber stringer, which is laminated by hand using epoxy resign, biaxial fiberglass and a specialized construction process. Featuring a high strength-to-weigh ratio, and designs CNC milled directly from the shapers files. SLX boards feel light, responsive and are very sensitive under your feet. These boards are extremely versatile, easy to ride, and can be used in wide variety of conditions.


SLXC Carbon : construction produces a highly responsive flex pattern that stores and releases energy as the surfer transitions through a turn. Eliminating the stinger and replacing it with a parabolic carbon fiber frame allows the board to flex more naturally with the curve and flow of the wave. The result is incredible speed and drive with controlled release.
All SLXC boards are CNC milled from the shapers files then built by hand using epoxy resign, biaxial fiberglass and a specialized vacuum construction process. These boards are strong, super light and geared for high performance surfing.


We think sizing a longboard should be uncomplicated so we like to keep it very simple and straight forward. We need to know 3 basic things about you before we can make a recommendation, we need to know your:
1. Size:    Your height and weight
2. Ability:  On a 0-10 scale, 0 = beginner, 10 = expert
3. Wave:   What type of wave are you riding, beach break, point, or both. 
Once we have that determined your height, weight, ability and the type of waves you are riding we need to know what type of board you are riding on now as well as what you are looking for in your new board. If your new to surfing we just need the above info. Many times more than one model or size board will work for you so please feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your options.